We also have a modular table frame setup for indoor growing application (several size and applications) with our LED T8 growlight tubes fully integrated in the table frame layout.
HOLLAND SOLUTIONS Limited developed grow tables can be Easley stacked to the height or amount of layers you want or need. LED T8 lamps are been integrated in the lamp frame layout and become part of the table setup. we can provide these table setup(s) with a insert table tray/self, Hydroponic guttering including NFS or hydroponic setup.
Ask us and we are happy to provide more information.
For more information or Inquiries, please fill out the Inquiry/Information form.
We are looking for research opportunities (Growers, Farmers), investors to enhance our research, marketing and applications trials.
HOLLAND SOLUTIONS Limited is the company name of AgriLED, HortiLED & CommLED and Holland Growing & Greenhouse Solutions, trade names of HOLLAND SOLUTIONS Limited.
HOLLAND SOLUTIONS Limited specialises in LED Lighting solutions for Horticultural, Commercial & Industrial incl. Outdoor solutions and applications, is led by a greenhouse engineer with 15 years experience in greenhouse installation and maintenance.
HOLLAND SOLUTIONS Limited is based in Wellington, New Zealand.